Latvia handed over to Ukraine 66 cars confiscated from drunken Latvian drivers


Latvia handed over to Ukraine 66 cars confiscated from drunken Latvian drivers. Delphi reports .

The publication clarifies that this data is for June 1. In March, it was reported about the first 18 cars sent to Ukraine.

Amendments to the law on support for the civilian population of Ukraine, which allow the transfer of cars confiscated from drunk drivers to the ownership of the Ukrainian government, was adopted in Latvia in February this year. The decision on the transfer of cars in each case is made by the Cabinet.

“Now we can sell vehicles confiscated from drunk drivers by selling them, handing them over for processing or dismantling them for spare parts, but we see that in the current conditions they would be useful support for the people of Ukraine,” the chairman of the defense commission explained the decision. Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Raimonds Bergmanis.

In November 2022, a law came into force in Latvia allowing the seizure of cars: this happens if the driver is found to have more than 1.5 ppm of alcohol or traces of drugs in the blood, as well as if he refused to be tested for the presence of such drugs in his body. substances. The confiscated cars are stored in the parking lots of the State Supply Agency throughout Latvia, then they are put up for auction by the State Revenue Service.

Source: Current Time