Thanksgiving Surf Coming to the East Coast


After a slow start to November, the East Coast is powering through the second half with a mix of E, N, and S swells offering a few pumping days of waves this past week. Now, a frontal system is set to move over the Western Atlantic and deliver another strong round of southerly surf for the Thanksgiving holiday break.

A system’s tracking from the Great Lakes over the Mid-Atlantic and New England on Wednesday and strong southerly winds develop between that and high pressure over the Canadian Maritimes to build shorter to mid-period southerly swell. A trailing cold front sets up improving winds and conditions in the coming days.

This round offers a good size, period and direction for many zones from South Carolina through New Jersey. Key spots should fire, with head-high to overhead rights on Wednesday. By the end of the day, Long Island and Southern New England start to get in on the action. Conditions improve into the evening with a short window of challenging conditions before the storm exits on Thursday.

New England is the standout on Thanksgiving Day with fun to good-sized SE swell and favorable, albeit strong NW offshore wind. Long Island is looking fun, too, but the strength of the offshore wind will limit the quality. Areas further south are looking at smaller, user-friendly leftovers. And things slow down for everyone by the weekend, so get your fill on the front end.

Source: Surfline