Woman Running 200 Marathons In 1 Year To Raise Awareness For Water Crisis Comes To DC


WASHINGTON (7News) — A woman dedicated to solving the global water crisis is set to complete 200 marathons in one year as part of the Run Blue campaign.

Since March 2022, Mina Guli has been running marathons around the world while speaking with local stakeholders along the way. Her goal is complete 200 marathons leading up to the UN 2023 Water Conference from March 22 to 24.

Bayer, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, is the lead sponsor of Guli’s Run Blue campaign. Guli was in Washington, D.C. Monday morning — Bayer employees ran around the National Mall with her.

“I think it really important that we all understand, individually we can make a difference, but together we can change the world,” Guli told 7News. “We need to remember, everyone has a role to play. We may seem small, but with small steps, we can truly make big change happen.”

“With this marathon we start the countdown to the United Nations Summit – our finish line for these marathons and the start line for the global community to unite together around water. This will not be easy. But together we can remind ourselves that we can do hard things,” the water advocate told United Nations Water.

The “campaign aims to raise awareness and highlight that we can solve the water crisis by working together,” Bayer officials said.

Officials said her efforts will be recognized at a Monday night reception with local policymakers, dignitaries and Bayer leaders at Bayer’s D.C. offices.

Source : Keprtv