Fox News confronts Democrats in Washington about the border crisis: ‘They own it now’


Nancy Pelosi struggled to defend the Biden White House’s handling of the crisis

Fox News pressed Democrats in Washington to explain how America’s borders can be secure when hundreds of migrants are crossing into the U.S. each day.

Fox traveled to Washington to question members of President Biden’s administration who have insisted for months that America’s southern border is secure. Fox News requested an interview with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, but was ignored. Secretary Mayorkas also refused to answer questions outside his home in the capital.

All told, the members of Congress who refused to address the border crisis with Fox included Rep. Ayana Pressley, D-Mass.; Cori Bush, D-Mo.; Benny Thompson, D-Miss., and Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y.

Texas Democratic Reps. Colin Allred, Veronica Escobar and Henry Cuellar were willing to speak with Fox, however, and they expressed deep concern about the border crisis.

“This is unsustainable. It has been unsustainable for years,” Escobar said.

“We have resources down there, but we clearly need to be doing more,” Allred argued.

Cuellar said Democrats need to acknowledge their party controls Congress and the White House and that they now “own” the border crisis.

Meanwhile, Democratic leaders on Capital Hill struggled to defend Biden’s handling of the immigration crisis. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged the need to “secure our border” but insisted Biden “has a plan to address that.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer blamed Republicans for a lack of progress on immigration, saying they don’t support any form of compromise.

The instability from Democrats comes as Republicans are poised to take over the House of Representatives and potentially the Senate as well. House minority leader Kevin McCarthy says Republicans would focus immediately on changing policies if they take the chamber in November.

Many have speculated that Republicans would move to impeach Mayorkas, but McCarthy argued their first priority would be passing legislation aimed at securing the border and repealing funding from the Inflation Reduction Act that recruited an additional 87,000 IRS agents.

Source: Fox News